Why I Now Beleive In Spiritual Protection
If you’ve been following me for a while, you’ll know that for a long time I was very outspoken about my views with the concept of spiritual protection and the need to “protect” your energy. Many of my beliefs have shifted about this and I think it’s important to share shifts in perspectives as well as a massive responsibility. I have since learned there was an even deeper rabbit hole to energy and how we manage it and I will admit to a certain degree I was naive and very arrogant about this topic. If there's any possibility that you read my previous blog & live stream on the topic and felt shame because of it despite what your own spirit was telling you about how to manage your energy, know that I am deeply sorry. I’m aware now that the impact of what I was saying did not match the intent behind it to empower. I still don’t believe that you walk around with a walking target on your back, but it can most certainly feel that way as an empath and depending on your level of sensitivity no amount of “belief” against not needing to be protected will prevent your energy from being drained or affected by others. That was extremely ignorant of me to promote. As I’ve grown over the past 6 months I’ve been spiritually “bitch slapped” by a whole lot of things. I’ve truly been humbled and I would like to share my new thoughts on spiritual protection. You can watch the video below or read on. (insert video)
Spiritual protection and energetic literacy are MANDATORY for anyone with a platform! I’ve had some interesting experiences energetically with practitioners in energy work and magick that have really shifted my perspective. Not everyone claiming to be working in the light IS of the light. If you have a big message and someone is jealous of you and works with energy, they can consciously set negative intentions your way. I’ve experienced this first hand. Shortly after the Charlottesville riot, I and a few of my peers engaged in a debate with a spiritual white woman who was a high earning business coach. She made some ignorant claims that people of color “manifest their oppression” and if they stop believing in it they won't have issues. I’m very sensitive to energy from other people. I noticed manipulation tactics she used in her words and the fact that many of her followers contributing to her defense had a robotic-like trance to them. Almost as if they had some weird implantation or spell on them (I’ll talk more about that later). Shortly after I left the comment thread I saw her astrally trying to latch on to me via my solar plexus chakra (your energetic power center). I cut off the energy immediately and blocked her on social media. I was so shocked and confused. I had never experienced anything like that. Little did I know that it would be the first of many experiences falling deep down the rabbit hole of the world of shady lightworkers pretending to be of the light. You CAN protect yourself spiritually without being in victim consciousness. In my previous blog, my second point was that spiritual protection encourages a victim mentality. In it, I said, “Spiritual protection at its foundation is based on an idea that we are at the mercy of the energies and negative intentions of the world around us”. Reading this now, makes me want to do a massive facepalm to myself! *sigh eye roll* Sure, there are people out there who overly obsess over methods to protect their energy from a place of fear. There are definitely people out there who are overly paranoid about people “doing things to them” energetically. (I had a friend like this who I just cut off recently she later attempted to do black magic on me). But there is a way to look at protection from a place of power and sovereignty. A vantage point where you’re in the driver's seat. THAT is the type of approach I can get behind. I realized that my problem was never with the protection it was with the teachers who were teaching it from a place of brokenness. I had a friend for over 5 years who constantly obsessed over who she felt was “doing things’ to her energetically. She would pay hundreds upon hundreds of dollars to clear her energy from bad spells and to break up her husband and his mistresses from affairs. She was a huge energy vampire and shortly after ending our friendship my life's circumstances drastically improved, but I was going through this massive bout of depression that I couldn't shake. Soon after noticing that I found out that she was attempting to do black magic on me as a punishment for cutting her off. In my power, I wrote her a C&D letter while doing some small ritual and my depression lifted off of me like dead skin. It’s a sign that you’re fully tuned into your soul and you mean business My final point in my original writing was that you’re not tuned into your soul if you feel like you need to be protected from outside forces. “buying into the belief that you actively have to work to protect yourself from the world around you betray the fact that you are the creator of your own reality and life. You’re giving your power away.” “ In order for a negative intention (curse, hex, energy vampire etc) to successfully attach to your energy you have to already have a subconscious belief that actively supports that negative intention.” There was an unintentional hint of “law of attraction shaming” in these quotes. Once again, not my intention but still ignorant. Yes, you ARE the creator of your reality but part of being an awesome and powerful creator is being super clear about who and what gets to be in your space and having the guts to say no to what is not resonate and to manage your energy accordingly. Yes, beliefs play a role as attachment mechanisms, but we’re never perfect in our beliefs. There’s always a new level and new devil with our mindsets, which is why it never hurts to protect ourselves. The most responsible thing that you can do as a lightworker and change agent is to not give everyone an energetic all-access pass because as I mentioned already there are lots of people of the light and there are also a whole lot of fakes as well. Protecting your energy is just another form of energy management. It’s learning how to tune into a deeper awareness of what is in your field and soul stream so you can operate in your fullest capacity. You can carry around protection stones and still be sovereign. You can do protection spells and rituals and still be sovereign. You can write petitions for protection and still be sovereign. It’s all about the energy behind it. Here’s what you can do to have amazing energetic awareness: Adopt a non-negotiable practice daily! It’s extremely important for you to commit to a simple daily practice. The biggest way to master your energy and build awareness is through a daily ritual or meditative practice to engage with your higher guidance. It doesn't have to be an elaborate process, just something that gets you connected to your soul and your higher guidance. Doing this helps keep you energetically luminous and makes you less susceptible to having your energy drained.
Some practices include:
Journaling particularly “Morning Pages” - (See The Artist’s Way)
Calling in your guides and teacher
EFT Tapping
Build an awareness of what does and doesn't belong to you. As you develop a relationship with your own energy by way of a regular daily practice, begin to examine thoughts, beliefs, and feelings. If you’re highly sensitive or an empath this is vital for you! We’re constantly coming into contact with other people’s energetic fields and soul streams. As a result, we can pick up on thoughts and emotions that we feel deeply but actually don’t belong to us. This can cause us to unintentionally internalize issues that aren’t ours, to begin with. As you become very aware of what your energy is and what your truth is, it will become easier and easier for you to quickly differentiate your energy and emotions from others. And over time you’ll pick up on rare occasions someone might be manipulating you. Pay close attention to people and situations that you feel “off” around (especially if they don’t make sense) How many times do you catch a “vibe” about someone or something and in hindsight you think to yourself “Darn! I knew something was weird about them” or “Oh crap! I had a feeling I shouldn’t have gone there!”. We all have had those gut feelings about people and circumstances that felt wrong, but because we didn’t have any logical reason for what we were feeling, we brush it off until after the fact. Learning to follow your intuition particularly in a situation that doesn't make any sense, can be very scary. People may look at you like you’re crazy or even call you crazy. Even worse, there’s always that fear of being wrong and looking like a total idiot. Most of the most profound situations where I had irrational hunches about people and situations have been when they didn’t make sense at first and were later confirmed to be true guidance. Most importantly, FOLLOW THROUGH! Intuitive information comes through for a reason. If you have a habit of brushing off your guidance, make a commitment to pay closer attention to all the information you receive. If it doesn't seem to lead anywhere or mean anything, know that it showed up for a reason that you may never visibly see that contributes to your highest good. This was a valuable skill set I learned in navigating the work of other spiritual leaders and new thought teachers who had massive followings, but we’re far from working in the light.
Developing a solid and shakeable trust in your intuition is by far the greatest spiritual tool you could ever have! I believe that when you do these things, you will be well on your way to being spiritually unfuckwithable. Most importantly, don’t ever take my word for it. Always experiment with any teachings and tools you come across to know what truly resonates with you and what YOUR truth is! ALWAYS! Never follow blindly. There are so many leaders and teachers who hide behind a facade of good branding and the ability to talk a good talk. Your truth is the most trustworthy friend you could ever have! If you want to learn effective protection tools to stay sovereign AF, I invite you to join the Soul Warrior Circle on Patreon. There you will find tons of training and masterclasses to help you powerfully manage your energy to be the radical change agent you are meant to be.