Connect With Your Higher Self
Master Your Manifesting power
Activate Your Purpose
With The Power of your Galactic Heritaige
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Your soul is the key to your calling
You have the capacity to have an impact on the world
You carry inside you, an incredible set of gifts that only you can do
Gift's that you've carried around for lifetimes
You know you're meant to do something great
But you don't know what that is or WHERE to start.
I want to help you clear the fog
Hey There, I'm Simran N'golet
Spiritual Mentor, sci-fi geek, Bjork superfan, and light language healer.
I work with aspiring changemakers and lightworkers who want to help raise the vibration of the world and live the most abundant life they can in the process. I help them remember their galactic identity, their gifts and manifesting blueprint so they can confidently create a life that lights them up and changes the world!
I believe without a doubt that everyone is a powerful creator by default. You are not broken, or defective. It's more than possible for you to create a life of freedom and abundance while living your purpose.
I am proof that no matter what barriers show up in your life, or obstacles that cause you to stumble, you can always rise higher than you stood before.