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The Soul Activation Intensive
Transformational Soul Reading & 21 Day Healing Experience

Get the fast track to understanding your soul's purpose, raise your vibration, and knock down the barriers between you and manifesting your dreams.

You've been wondering what your life's purpose is for quite some time.

What unique gifts come naturally to you?

How is your Soul wired to effectively create your the life you desire?

If you're like most people, you have no answers to these questions … yet.

Yet, your Soul is your most basic nature. It's what motivates you and inspires you. 

It just so happens that your Soul is the key to building a joyful and fulfilling human experience!

Your Soul is the most kick-ass spiritual power tool you have!

But like most power tools, you need to understand how it works and what it can do in order to get the most value from it and actually BUILD something.

If you've been...

  • beating your head against an invisible wall trying to manifest new results

  • craving the self-knowledge that allows you to finally find deeper meaning in your life

  • longing for the secret key to creating abundance

  • trying to figure out what your Divine Gifts are, and how you can best serve others

But like most power tools, you need to understand how it works and what it can do in order to get the most value from it and actually BUILD something.

If you've been.....

Beating your head against an invisible wall trying to manifest new results

Craving the self-knowledge that allows you to

finally find deeper meaning in your life

Longing for that "magic key" to creating abundance

Persistently talking to yourself negativly

Trying to figure out what your Divine Gifts are, and how you can best serve others

Confused and stuck about where your place in the world is

Unsure of what you have to offer to the world

Metatrons's Cube

It may be time for you to discover who you truly are at


The key to self-mastery – and mastering your human experience – is Self-knowledge.


 While you may think you know yourself, if you’re not creating exactly what you want, chances are there’s some key knowledge about your true Self, your Soul-Self, that you are missing.

Ready? Let's do some work!

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Soul Activation Intensive

 90 Minute Reading + Clearing + Activation Process

Step 1:  I review your Soul Blueprint, reviewing all of the "tools" you have to assist in the process of experiencing your life and connecting with your path.

Step 2: I go over what specific negative patterns that have gotten mixed up into your Soul's "blueprint" over many lifetimes currently popping up in this lifetime that are creating negativity and holding you back from accessing your power.

Step 3: You will undergo a 21 Day Intensive to create new energy and remove the blocks found in your soul record for you to experience a fresh, positive start. Doing this gives you a clean slate for new oppourtunities to come flowing in.


How The Reading Works


You'll Learn

Past & present Life Choices Affecting This Lifetime

Our choices in past lives negative and positive all have a perfect contribution to our Soul's experience. Accepting responsibility for those choices can empower you to take the actions that will align you with your Divinity and create the life that you desire. We will go directly to the specific lifetimes, what the choices were, and how exactly they affect you in this incarnation.

Energetic Clearing Of your soul's record 

I help you clear your past life karmic experiences (and present life) so you can realign your soul with your true divine gifts for you to experience a fresh, positive start. Doing this gives you a clean slate for new oppourtunities to come flowing in by your choosing.

Blocks & Restrictions Affecting You in this lifetime

Most of us have been affected by the negative influences present on our planet at one time or another. Negativity that you encountered lifetimes ago may still be limiting you today. We will uncover what, lifetime they came from, how it specifically effects you today.


90 minitue reading session (Phone or Skype)

Personalized Soul Blueprint PDF 

21 Day Energy Cleanse

MP3 recording or written transcript of your reading

Unlimited e-mail support during your clearing journey

1 Hour Follow Up Coaching Session

Flower of Life Fused With Metatrons Cube

Before your session, I access your soul's blueprint and compile information about your Soul from your Akashic Record.

Think of the Akashic Records as an energetic database (like Google for the soul) that contains the entire history about your Soul, clear back to its origination.

Through this process, we can look at the specifics of how your Soul was made, and how you best express yourself while here on earth- YOUR SOUL'S PURPOSE


Most importantly, we’ll talk about how this information translates into a practical, grounded action plan for creating more of what you want in life!

The Soul Blueprint Reading

Your soul's blueprint is the gateway to your divine purpose. It's a map that brings clarity to your unique meaning of life, and your divine qualities that make

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Soul Blueprint Cover
Soul Blueprint Page Preview 1

Discover in this reading & report

Your soul's unique traits

Learn your soul's special group where it originated from and the unique soul-level traits that transfer into your human experience as a result.

Your Soul's Unique Gifts

Gain insight on your soul's unique energetic qualities.Uncover the gift's and innate skill sets of your divine path and purpose

Your level of connection to your inner guidance

Find out how connected you are to your soul's path

What to expect after your reading

Inspiration to live more authentially

Feelings of validation that who you are is valuble and important to this world

Overall clarity and excitement in who you are at soul level

 A rising sense of self-love

The drive to take action towards manifesting the life you want

An energized state of being

An activated soul!

Payment Options
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Soul Bluepring Preview 3

When you invest in this program, you'll get

  • My bestselling soul-blueprint reading

  • A PDF Report of your soul blueprint

  • 21 Day Clearing Process

  • Unlimited E-mail Support During your clearing 

  • Free 1 Hour Coaching Session After Your Clearing

Pay In Full

Client Love

After You Enroll

1. Book Your Soul Activation Reading


After you enroll you will be given a link to schedule your Soul Activation Reading. Pick a date and time, fill out the questionnaire, and you will be on your way to soul awakening

2. Check Your Confirmation E-mail for Phone numbers for conference calls

If you select to meet by phone the number and access code for your country will be in your confirmation e-mail with the necessary access code.

You must call your number at the time of the appointment.

Skype clients will be called by me at your scheduled time.

Bonuses & Resources

Frequently Asked Questions 

Q: What if I don't like my reading? Do I get a refund?


A: Yes! You can enroll today, book your reading if you do not resonate with ANY of the information given during your session we will stop the session and I will issue a full refund. If you pay with an installment plan your initial payment will be refunded and all scheduled payments will be canceled.


To date, I have never issued a refund. I offer this to maintain the integrity and a low risk to you.



Q: What exactly happens during the 21 Day Process?


A: After your reading, you will be sent a document with a customized "prayer" on it that pertains to the issues that came up for your reading. This prayer should be recited ONCE a day for 21 days in a row. This grounds the new energy we create during the reading. If you miss a day you start over to Day 1.

Q: Why does the clearing take 21 Days? Don't you clear this for us?


A: While yes, I do the initial clearing work when I prepare your reading having you do this process makes it more personal to you and "grounds" your reading.




Q: How will I know if I'm "clear"?


A: There is no one-way to indicate your clearing work is over. However, most clients report a greater sense of clarity about themselves, more insight and connection to their intuition, and motivation to move forward with inspired ideas. The results and experiences vary.





Life Lesson Reading ($150 Value)

We have come to Earth with selected life lessons or "themes"to experience ourselves in a unique way

e.g. the life lesson of Abundance may mean we experience extremes of wealth and poverty in the same lifetime 

You  have one primary life lesson and possibly 3-6 secondary lessons. You will experience either positive or negative life experiences to further your growth in these lessons.

You receive a report included in your Soul Blueprint on what your life lessons are and what percentage you are complete in learning these life lessons. You will also find out what life area you are choosing to experience these Life Lessons in e.g.: family, profession, finances, relationships etc.

Pay In Full

Payment Plan Options

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