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What are Vibrations And How to Raise Them?

How To Raise Your Vibration

In 2012 when I first began my own personal soul revolution, I kept hearing over and over and over again spiritual teachers and seekers alike constantly talking about the importance of raising vibrations. I’ve found this to be the 100% gospel truth! I’m not talking about simply remaining in a happy mood and putting on a front. When you develop a consistent practice to maintain a stronger vibrational state, it becomes harder for outside influences and vibe killers to “kill your vibe”. In order to live in alignment with your highest path and purpose you must actively work to keep your vibe high HOWEVER, I’m not saying that you have to do so by creating an emotional jail. Spiritual bypassing is not the goal here. You are on this earth first and foremost to have a human experience. Your feelings are a meant to be felt. Feeling sad, angry, or the various other emotional waves that may visit you are completely normal. When you create a steady practice, it actually makes it much easier get through the uncomfortable emotions and challenges that will come your way.

Raising your vibrations definitely is a great mood booster, but it’s not the end all and be all. It’s making ourselves an energetic match to our higher selves, our master soul. It is a surefire way to align you with your soul-blueprint when you are in alignment to your higher self you are in alignment with the universe.

YOU Having a low vibration doesn’t mean are a negative person or that you’re broken or “damaged”. All it is is just a point of where you are right now. Here are five examples that indicate a low vibration

  1. Drama follows you everywhere you go

  2. You feel like a victim to life

  3. No matter how hard you try, you can’t seem to get ahead in life

  4. You get annoyed and angry easily

When you’re in a high vibe state, it won’t give you magic immunity from sh*t happening. The struggle will still get real occasionally. Except, it will become LESS REAL; LESS OFTEN. Living a high vibe life is extremely liberating and freeing! These are the things you can expect with you live a high vibe life:

  1. GOOD THINGS happen

  2. You become a happier and healthier person

  3. You attract like minded people

  4. Life happens FOR you instead of working against you

So here’s how you start raising your vibration:

1) Cut Out The Negative Neds and Nancy’s In Your Life

This is the hardest one yet the most important for many people. Social media, the news, gossiping friends need to get cut loose! I’m dead serious! If you want to commit to living a high vibe life, you have to spend more time actively surrounding yourself with people and things that uplift you.

2) Meditate

Start out with 5-10 minutes 3-4 times a week and build on that the way you see fit. Relax and take a break from life for a while. Download my FREE Soul-Activation Meditation its a great tool. There are also a ton of smartphone apps that can help you create a practice best suited for your unique path and schedule.

3) Practice Gratitude.

This is one of the easiest and quickest ways to raise your vibration. To make it super simple, thing of 3-5 things you have to be grateful for right now! Being alive with an internet connection to read this blog post is a simple start, if you’re drawing a blank (baby steps!). The point is to get you into an attitude of gratitude.

Living in a higher vibration won’t guarantee that bad days won’t happen or you will be in a permanent state of bliss. I recently came out of a recent bout of stagnancy. Here’s the thing, because I’ve lived in a state of higher vibrations it has become easy to tell when I’m slipping. When I am, I go back to the practices I’ve listed above, talk to my spirit guides, and shortly after I felt incredible and back in alignment with my highest path and purpose.

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