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How almost going to JAIL catapulted me into my purpose and why your excuses are bullshit!

Yes, you read that right! I almost served time behind bars! It still shocks the hell out of people to this day. I remember it like it was yesterday. I had a MASSIVE dream of being a makeup artist and working for some of the top brands in the industry. I was even in the middle of an interview process for a very well known cosmetic company. It all came crashing down in a matter of moments being in the wrong place in the wrong time (with the WRONG) person.

Yet that earth shattering moment brought me face to face with who you see now! Watch the video below or read below for more!

Here's my solutions for overcoming impossible set backs:

Let you breakdown be you BREAKTHROUGH!

In the midst of any situation that seems super impossible to overcome it always boils down to this one thing.....CHOICE. You get to decide! You are the CEO of your life! Are you going to be a victim of your circumstances or are you going to decide to be willing to see things differently.

That was my prayer the night before my court hearing. "God please help me to see a positive side of this! Help me to see how this will serve me for the better. I'm willing and I'm ready! Please help me!"

My jaw dropped when the judge STILL found me guilty despite the fact that my lawyer had proven that I wasn't a shoplifter. He waived my jail sentence, reduced my charges to a lesser crime, and banned me from that store for a YEAR! I was still unsure of how life would work for me. Black woman with a theft related offense on her criminal record. How and I supposed to get a good job with THAT!? I made the decision to cling to the success stories of many people before me who failed miserably and failed forward into their powerful and abundant purpose and in my shame, anger, and frustration.

We all have a "rock bottom" moment. If you haven't yet. I PROMISE you if you are actively seeking and pursuing your higher purpose, you WILL fail along the way. It all comes down to how we choose to face our failures that determine the outcome.

Remain Open

This is for sure, one of the hardest parts of my journey, but allowing yourself to remain open to your inner guidance and to take inspired action will quantum leap you into miracles! It was through keeping an open heart and a willingness to see things differently that lead me to a new job with better pay that overlooked my situation and afforded me with everything I needed to become everything you see today!

It's was because of the decision to remain open and ready to follow my intuition that you're reading this blog right now.

Even if it dosent make sense. Even if it sounds absolutely batshit crazy, follow those internal nudges. You will be blown away by the doors that will open up for you simply through the decision to trust and to see past your obstacles.

Because You Have Your Dream In Your Heart, The Universe Wants You To Have It

Yep! Thats right! So often we have this silly belief that some desire are more selfish than others or that God or the Universe will think we're greedy or not humble or bad for wanting big things for our lives. NOT! TRUE!

The very fact that you have a big dream and big desires in your heart right now are because your soul is calling you to have that. We are soulful and spiritual beings that are simply unique extensions of the divine.

It is part of our purpose to have an abundance life and to live the life of our dreams. This is your permission slip to go for your desires with full force and to know and own the fact that you deserve all of your dreams and desires simply because you want them. You need no other reason than that, my friend! Know from this moment on that there is no set back or adversity that is a good enough excuse as to why you can't achieve the life of your dreams!

If you enjoyed this video and blog, please share it on social media and share the goodness!

P.S If you're lost and stuck on what your soul's purpose is, sign up for the FREE Higher Purpose Connection Kit

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