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4 Month 1:1 program for the passionate soul warrior ready to step into their purpose, discover their calling, and master their manifesting power 


You are tired, frustrated and stuck trying to figure out what exactly you’re here to do on this earth, let alone how to bring it to life.


You know you’re called to a higher purpose, but you just can’t seem to break through the fog!

You've read books, taken courses, done all the meditating, and you may have already worked with a coach, yet it still feels like you're beating your head against an invisible wall! 

I know exactly what you’re going through because that person was ME!


-Watching everyone around me uncovering their powerful purpose while I’m still struggling to figure out who I really am


-Playing small and stuck in a vicious cycle of self sabotage with no end in site


-Working in a career I was good at, but not passionate about it simply because it paid the bills.

At the end of 2013 I was deep in my spiritual journey. I knew I loved helping people feel good about themselves, but I wasn’t sure of how to do that outside of my job as a makeup artist.


I was incredible at what I did, but knew I wasn’t aligned with my soul’s calling,



Then an unfair conviction came and tanked my career!

I was determined not to become a statistic and that I would not let another moment of my life go by where I hid my truth, my passions, my bliss for 


I asked God to help me rise into my higher potential so I could help as many people as possible to do the same! 



You can feel it in your bones that you are created to live a much bigger life than where you are but you just need that  lighthouse to help guide the way.

I feel you. I hear. you. I was you! 


It’s possible for you to have a life full governed by your own will. A life that gives you the joy, alignment, and abundance you deserve

It’s time to RISE! 



Personalized 1:1 incubator for the Soul Warrior ready to remember their galactic nature, step into their purpose, master their manifesting power and create a world-changing calling


The Anatomy of a Soul Warrior is based on these 4 foundations

Soul Alignment

I will help you discover who you truly are at soul-level so you can show up to your life in 100% full alignment as a soul warrior who knows what’s right for you. 

  • Discover your soul blueprint so you can know exactly what your divine gifts are and your starseed type.

  • Learn exactly how you draw in vital force energy to create the life and clarity you need.​​​

Energetic Clarity

I’ll help you identify the past and present life energetic blocks that are holding you back from fulling stepping into your purpose and power so you can fully embody the life you were meant to lead.


  • Learn how our interactions with our choices can effect us in life and through lifetimes 

  • Know exactly how to stay energetically brilliant 

  • Discover how to manage your energy in a way that is consistent and constructive for you

Manifesting Mastery

I’ll help you uncover areas where you self sabotage and create lack so you can consciously create the life you want and the experience you desire.


  • Uncover your unique manifesting blueprint so you can know exactly how to live your divinity.

  • Get a step by step creation process custom to your soul blueprint that helps you create 

  • Take the guessing and frustration out of manifesting, knowing what principles are aligned with you and the others you can toss out of the window.​​​

An aligned calling

I’ll help you discover and develop a calling that allows you to live fully aligned to your soul blueprint but also makes a solid impact for the world around you.


  • Get crystal clear on what your purpose and calling is 

  • Know if a buisiness is aligned to you and if it is what ideas flow with your energy.

  • If you already have a buisiness, learn how to run it in a way that is fully aligned to your soul blueprint. 

Here's What's Included in The Rise! Program

  • Welcome & Orientation Pack to help you set clear goals and intentions for the program to maximise your success 

  • Unlimited E-mail & Facebook Messenger Support between our sessions to answer any questions that may come up 

  • (5) 60 Minute Coaching Sessions over our 4 month period to ground down your Soul Blueprint & Manifesting Blueprint 

  • Soul Activation Intensive* - Discover who your soul level gifts and clear your core past and/or present life blocks holding you back from embodying your highest self. 

  • Manifesting Blueprint Intensive - Learn how you're created to manifest your goal's and desires at Soul-level and HOW to apply it practically and easily. Know exactly HOW to live your divinity

  • Business Activation Reading (optional) - 

*If you have already had the Soul Awakening Journey Intensive, you will receive a Life Resolution Intensive - on your goal and intention for the program

"My sessions have introduced me to a completely new walk of life. I have worked with Simran for over 2 years! She has been with me at the very beginning of my spiritual path. When I first started coaching with her I was feeling inadequate, I lacked confidence in myself and I didn't know how to set healthy boundaries between myself and others. Since my time with her, I am empowered. I feel like I don't need to compromise myself for others approval. I understand and listen to the voice of my higher self and I’m confident in my ability to hear and follow my inner guidance. I’m accepting all aspects of my self instead of feeling shame. I love all of who I am! Simran has been there every step of the way! She treated me like I matter and was (and continues to be) a safe place to turn to for encouragement and reassurance. ”
Teresa Tinder

I am completely validated and comfortable standing in my truth. My sessions with Simran made way for HUGE mental breakthroughs in my personal development journey. She really helped me connect with who I really am on a soul-level. My work really reaffirmed who I am and gave me enlightenment on my spiritual journey

Dannielle Flynn

Investment For Rise!: $2,000

Flexible payment plans are available for your needs

Pay In Full Discount Available 

Ether, Litecoin, and Bitcoin options available

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Investment For Rise!: $2,000

Flexible payment plans are available

Ether, Litecoin, and Bitcoin options available

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